General Surgery Indication
- Corns, Warts etc
- Freckles
- Birthmarks(mole)
- Skin resurfacing
- Phimosiectomy
- Tumor elimination
- Hemorrhoids and anal fistulas
- Fine wrinkle
- Condyloma
- Syringoma
- Snoring
Dental Surgery Indication
- The second implant operation
- Hyper sensitive
- Hemostasis after dental extraction
- Herpetic gingivitis
- Crown lengthening
- Frenulum excision
- Gingival excision
- Gingival plastic operation
- Cleaning of dental cuticle cyst
- Removal of pigmentation
- Pulp capping -Fluorine coating
- Allergic splenitis
- Sterilization in paradental cyst
- Sterilization in root canal
- Abscess treatment
Fractional Surgery indication
- Skin tightening
- Wrinkle
- Large pore
- Acne scar
- Skin resurfacing
- Stretch mark
- Laser peeling
- Rubbing mode
- Pudenda