DermaBlade shave biopsiainstrumentti on erittäin terävä ja vallankumouksellinen uutuus: "Until now, performing a shave biopsy usually meant sacrificing safety, efficiency, or effectiveness. That's why DermaBlade was designed specifically for shave biopsies, with a unique look and feel that will make your job easier than ever. DermaBlade's flexible design can be used to remove surface protuberances as well as deep lesions, while reducing ragged skin edges. Special sure-grip side teeth facilitate a three-digit grip to provide stability, control and direction, prevent slipping, and make DermaBlade easier to pick up. Each blade is individually wrapped to give you guaranteed sterility and protection. For added safety, DermaBlade is also disposable. What's more, DermaBlade utilizes Personna®'s MicroCoated® surgical blades to provide smooth, clean excisions." Käyttöohje: 1. Puhdista toimenpidealue tavanomaisesti. 2. Tee paikallispuudutus. 3. Ota DermaBlade suojapakkauksesta. 4. Tartu peukalo etu-/keskisormiotteella DermaBladeen. 5. Purista terä halutulle kaarelle sormiesi välissä. 6. Exkidoi leesio sahaavin teränliikkein työntäen samalla terää kevyesti eteenpäin.